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  • Célébration du 80e anniversaire

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    Name: Célébration du 80e anniversaire
    Date: February 22, 2017
    Time: 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM AST
    Event Description:
    Un souper spécial est organisé pour souligner le 80e anniversaire de la Chambre de commerce. C'est avec l'histoirien Clarence Lebreton que nous connaîtrons les différents événements qui ont marqué l'histoire de la Chambre.
    Centre culturel de Caraquet
    Date/Time Information:
    le mercredi 22 février à partir de 17h30.
    Contact Information:
    Pour réservation 727-2931 info@chambregrandcaraquet.com
    Le coût est de 35$ pour les membres et 40$ pour les futurs membres
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

  • Business Truth & Reconciliation Business Truth & Reconciliation

    The Atlantic Chamber of Commerce is taking proactive steps to promote reconciliation and respect for Indigenous rights within the corporate sector. In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action 92, the Chamber urges its members to embrace the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a guiding framework. This entails a commitment to meaningful consultation, fostering respectful relationships, and obtaining the free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous peoples before embarking on economic projects. Moreover, the Chamber advocates for equitable access to employment, training, and educational opportunities for Indigenous communities, ensuring they reap sustainable benefits from economic development initiatives.


    Recognizing the importance of education, the Chamber encourages businesses to provide comprehensive training for management and staff on the history of Indigenous peoples, including the legacy of residential schools, Indigenous rights, and Aboriginal-Crown relations. Emphasizing intercultural competency, conflict resolution, and anti-racism, these efforts aim to foster a more inclusive and harmonious corporate environment rooted in mutual understanding and respect.

    Learn more click here