  • ACC Editorial & Commentary Archives


  • More than Carbon Taxes Needed to Combat Climate Change (November 2018)

    The battle of words on carbon taxes has been raging for months, if not years, and was recently fueled further by the federal announcement about carbon tax programs for New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

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    Coalition of New Brunswick Employers 

    New Brunswick residents are accustomed to paying a little more for goods and services each year; it’s called inflation and it’s a natural by-product of our economy. But how would you feel if the cost of a service you were obliged to pay nearly tripled within three years?  

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    Candidates Need to Give us Something More to Pin our Hopes on This Election (September 2018)

    Reading the national media’s coverage of the NB election this weekend was more than a little deflating and frustrating to me as stories about chocolate milk being the election issue proliferated mainstream media.

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    Embracing the ‘New’ in New Brunswick (June 2018)  

    Recently, I had the pleasure of moderating an insightful leader’s panel discussion as part of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s CEO Dinner Super Series on skills and immigration in Atlantic Canada that caused me to reflect on my own experiences with diversity and culture.

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    Looking for Natural Leadership for NB’s Economic Prosperity (May 18, 2018)


    As we approach the provincial election in September, New Brunswickers should be evaluating many questions. Are we satisfied with the policies that influence our province’s financial health? Where should the government look to find money to pay for crucial services, such as: health, education and transportation infrastructure? What will it take to reverse years of decline in our population and economy?

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    Cultivating the Lead: Closing the Gender Gap in the Workforce (March 8, 2018)

    On March 8th the world celebrates International Women’s Day, a day introduced by the Suffragette’s and first celebrated in 1911. Since that time, from political and economic to cultural and social, women have experienced many advances coming from decades of incremental change. But there is always more work to be done on the route to gender parity and collectively we all play a role in this.

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    Charting a Course in 2018 for Future Economic Prosperity (December 21, 2017)                                                                               


    As 2017 nears its end, Atlantic Canadians have good reason to be proud and optimistic. We have huge, under-exploited potential with our proximity to major markets, top-notch post-secondary institutions, abundant natural resources and energy potential, and vibrant R&D and technology sectors with more innovation taking place each day. But more than anything, Atlantic Canada has an incomparable quality of life—where else can a 20-year-old become rich selling clothes that advertise local pride?


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    Politics trump good government practice (December 13, 2017)


    Based on a promise of tax reform in their election platform, the federal government recently reiterated their unwavering commitment to chip away at alleged unfair tax advantages for the wealthy. Their message was clear on December 13, when Finance Minister Morneau essentially dismissed a Senate consultation report recommending the withdrawal of the proposed reforms and a full review of the tax system. Instead he announced limited clarifications to the new rules restricting business’ ability to distribute income to family members.


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    Abandonment of Energy East will impact future generations (October 12, 2017)


    Megaprojects like Energy East invariably attract intense opinions for and against, and the reaction to the announcement that TransCanada Pipeline (TCP) has abandoned its proposal to build the Energy East pipeline have been a mixture of celebration and concern. But when the reality is that an energy development company can invest $1 billion to respond to approval review processes only to be confronted with a wall of changing regulations and conditions it is time we answer the question whether Canada is interested in providing companies with a stable, predictable investment environment.


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    Federal Government Needs to Extend the Tax Consultation Deadline (September 11, 2017)

    Businesses across Canada are voicing well-founded concerns about the federal government’s proposed tax changes for privately-held corporations. The proposed legislation is one of the most significant changes to tax regulation in 50 years and the government has provided a mere 75 days (during summer) to provide feedback. The business community needs more time to assess these complex changes to fully understand the wide-spread impact this will have on small- to medium-sized businesses. We need Minister Morneau to extend the deadline beyond October 2nd, 2017 to allow for proper consultation. 

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  • Business Truth & Reconciliation Business Truth & Reconciliation

    The Atlantic Chamber of Commerce takes proactive steps to promote reconciliation and respect for Indigenous rights within the corporate sector. In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action 92, the Chamber urges its members to embrace the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a guiding framework.


    Recognizing the importance of education, the Chamber encourages businesses to provide comprehensive training for management and staff on the history of Indigenous peoples, including the legacy of residential schools, Indigenous rights, and Aboriginal-Crown relations. Emphasizing intercultural competency, conflict resolution, and anti-racism, these efforts aim to foster a more inclusive and harmonious corporate environment rooted in mutual understanding and respect.

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